Posted by Realtor David Olson 952.314.9446
The Central Community is a part of the Minneapolis Public Schools promises an inspirational education experience in a safe, welcoming environment for all diverse learners to acquire the tools and skills necessary to confidently engage in the global community. This is the largest district in Minnesota, as it serves the largest city in the state. The teachers are dedicated, passionate and committed to closing the achievement gap and raising the bar for all students. MPS provides the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, College in Schools (CIS), and Career and Technical Education, advanced World Language programs and Advanced Placement (AP) coursework to support our students’ educational growth. The staff is ready and eager to help families find the right school for their child. They offer popular magnet programs and community schools. Every family has an option to select the school that best meets their needs. This district services 43 elementary schools, 8 middle schools, and 9 high schools.
Located just five minutes east, the local elementary school in Calhoun-Isles is Bryn Mawr Elementary. Bryn Mawr Elementary is a sincere and diverse learning community. They take pleasure in making individualized learning and academic superiority the top priority. At Bryn Mawr, the emphasis is on academic thoroughness with high expectations for all students. Each child obtains an irreplaceable, quality education in a nurturing environment. Helping children grow and learn is the main passion at this school.
Also just five minutes east is the local middle school, and perhaps one of the better middle schools in the district, Anwatin Middle School. Anwatin has been an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School since 2010. Anwatin’s mission is to develop young people to become principled, open-minded, inquiring members of a global community, and students should expect to learn. About 30% of the students are enrolled in the Spanish Dual Immersion program. Students take social studies classes in Spanish, as well as advanced Spanish language arts, where they read and examine literature in Spanish. The rest of immersion students’ classes are in English, taken with the other 70% of the school population. This leads to many new friendships with their peers. Spanish immersion students also are combined with the after-school programs of athletics, band, and choir.
Southwest High School, located within the Calhoun-Isles Community, is a school that is focused on the arts as well as academics. The school strives to meet each students needs and prepare them the best they can for post-secondary education. They offer IB, AP, and CIV courses as well as other programs that help students progress their futures.
If you have any questions regarding the city of Minneapolis, the Central Community, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to visit or call 1-800-909-1953.
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