Posted by Realtor David Olson 952.314.9446
Minneapolis Public Schools promises an inspirational education experience in a safe, welcoming environment for all diverse learners to acquire the tools and skills necessary to confidently engage in the global community. This is the largest district in Minnesota, as it serves the largest city in the state. The teachers are dedicated, passionate and committed to closing the achievement gap and raising the bar for all students. MPS provides the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, College in Schools (CIS), and Career and Technical Education, advanced World Language programs and Advanced Placement (AP) coursework to support our student’s educational growth. The staff is ready and eager to help families find the right school for their child. They offer popular magnet programs and community schools. Every family has an option to select the school that best meets their needs. This district services 43 elementary schools, 8 middle schools, and 9 high schools.
Hennepin Elementary School is persistently devoted to student accomplishment. They understand that all students can and must attain success. Their expectations are high, and their yearning for success is passionate and assertive. The school uses clear and distinct procedures to define success. They continuously discover new approaches to increase efficiency and the school never embraces educational trends or philosophies that do not work. They know that high and efficient levels of support must match high expectations.
The primary mission of Field Community Middle School is to make sure that all students learn. To this end, they are dedicated to providing opportunities for all of their students to reach their highest academic, social, emotional, physical, and creative potential. They provide plenty of extracurricular activities for students in order that they remain occupied by developing emotionally, physically, and socially.
One excellent private school option is Hope Academy. This school is ideal for families wanting a faith-based education. The school strives to uphold its faith values as well as provide a quality education for its students.
South High School, located in the nearby Phillips Community, is dedicated to shaping each of their students into becoming dependable and enduring learners. The students are given chances to chase academic distinction, join with optimistic and positive peer groups and lay the framework for a hopeful future. The staff works on this goal everyday with eagerness, as they strive towards upholding a positive school philosophy and environment that endorses a sense of self-respect, respect for others and respect of the surrounding school environment and community with honesty.
If you have any questions regarding the city of Minneapolis, the Powderhorn Community, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to visit Twin Cities Property Finder or call 1-800-909-1953.
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