City of Pine Springs: A brief History

Tagged: CIty History, East Oakdale Township, Lincoln, Pine Springs, Washington County,

The Village of Pine Springs was started in 1959 forming from parts of Lincoln and East Oakdale Townships. Shortly afterward the 118 residents of the town held an election and successfully incorporated Pine Springs as a city. Later on the city of Pine Springs successfully voted to add the west side of Long Lake as a part of the city.

Today, the city of Pine Springs is a completely residential city and has experienced growth since it’s incorporation in 1959. The city has grown from 140 residents in 1960 to around 400 residents today. The city is home to 140 houses and 120 families. Pine Springs is a rural community with the majority of homes on 2 acre lots. Residents of Pine Springs enjoy a small town feel with peaceful neighbourhoods and a relaxing atmosphere.

If you have any questions regarding the city of Pine Springs, Minnesota, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to visit or call 1-800-909-1953.

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