Arden Hills Minnesota

Tagged: Arden Hills, City of Arden Hills, city overview, Ramsey County,

Arden Hills, Minnesota has a population of 9,700 within ten square miles of residential, industrial, and commercial land. Arden Hills is located within Ramsey County. It borders the cities of Mounds View, Shoreview, and Roseville. Bordering such commercial and residential areas only bolsters Arden Hills economy and great residential life.

Being only 15 minutes from Minneapolis and St. Paul, Arden Hills is positioned perfectly for residents to enjoy its small town feel, while enjoying the great perks of the metro. Land O’ Lakes headquarters is a key employer in the Arden Hills area. Along Arden Hills’ west border runs Interstate 35 W. U.S. 10 intersects with Interstate 694 in the middle of the city limits.

Arden Hills’ location, easy access to the Twin Cities, and its great commercial areas, make it a top-notch suburb. Please check out our supporting articles that provide more information about living in this community.

If you have any questions regarding the city of Arden Hills, Minnesota, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to visit or call 1-800-909-1953.

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